Sleeping smiling newborn propped on his hands

Top 4 – Newborn Photography Safety Tips

Having a new baby is such an exciting time! You get to finally meet your little baby girl or baby boy after you’ve been preparing for for several months. There is so much love for your newest addition and you want to capture those precious fingers, toes, and leg rolls are simply adorable. Let’s face it – having a baby that is just a few days old is something you never want to forget. As a professional newborn photographer, I hear nearly every mama say “they grow so fast!” Hiring a professional newborn photographer to document those precious moments is the perfect way to keep those memories. Here are a few tips on newborn safety and why it’s important.

Hire a Professional

To ensure that your sweet baby is taken care of properly, be sure to hire a professional photographer that has a lot of experience with newborn photography, and has a good reputation. Get online, read reviews, and don’t hesitate to get on the phone and call. It’s more than okay to ask questions regarding your newborns safety and if they have taken any courses or workshops.

Sanitize, Sanitize, Sanitize

The last thing anyone wants is for a newborn to get sick and therefor it is important that the area that you plan to take photos in is properly sanitized. Make sure that the products you use sanitize, but are also gentle on baby. A professional photographer will have all props, blankets and surfaces sanitized or steamed and newborn safety is always a priority. One of my favourite products is Force of Nature.


We all love those adorable images where the baby is propped up on its hands, called “froggy pose” or “hands on chin pose”. It is important to know that a newborn is not capable of holding its head up yet. These kinds of images are actually made out of two images and the baby’s head is supported at all times. This is what is called a composite. The image is actually two or more photos combined and edited to look as one. Please do not try this position if you are not sure of how to safely achieve it.

Stress Free

We all know that little babies can be unpredictable at times, and that is totally expected. Let the newborn be in charge! All my sessions are baby let and your newborn call the shots. Not all babies like every pose and if they don’t do not force them and just move on to the next. Make sure the atmosphere is relaxed and you are not rushing as they will feed off your anticipation. Your professional newborn photographer will know all kinds of tricks to help the baby relax and settle.

Have any other questions about baby safety or are ready to book? 

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